"At last! A funny, sensible, researched book that treats potty training as the fundamental childhood achievement it is. By giving parents effective ways to empower and guide their children (and maintain their cool while they're doing it), Dr. Heather Wittenberg turns potty training from a period parents often dread into a positive experience."
- Dr. Michele Borba
Award winning author of The Big Book of Parenting Solutions and international child development expert
"Calling all parents who are about to embark on the wild adventure of potty training their child--this is your must-read! With authoritative practical advice, playful tips, and a spirit of connection and love, Dr. Wittenberg gives us an easy-to-read gem of a resource that can lead your family to a diaper-free finish line with minimal fuss -- and a big helping of laughter. Enthusiastically recommended!"
- Anthony T. DeBenedet, MD
Co-author of The Art of Roughhousing: Good Old-Fashioned Horseplay and Why Every Kid Needs It
"For the straight poop (pun intended) on potty training, read Let's Get This Potty Started! It's like having your best friend, who just happens to be a child psychologist, on hand to guide you through the good, the bad, and the "Yay! You went potty!"
- Jen Singer
MommaSaid.net and author of the Stop Second-Guessing Yourself Guides to Parenting
"With gentle humor and 'I've been there!' wisdom, Dr. Heather Wittenberg offers wise and compassionate advice for parents of children beginning the potty training journey."
- Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD
Author of What About Me? 12 Ways to Get Your Parents' Attention Without Hitting Your Sister