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The Baby Shrink Blog
More on Potty Training: When Your Preschooler Poops in Her Sleep
In the meantime, continue to praise her efforts, and be neutrally supportive when she has an accident. I wouldn't dwell on it much with her;
Toddler Behavior: What to do When Your Toddler Won't Nap Anymore
Babies NEED to sleep during the day. Their brains can't handle all that stimulation without shutting down after a few hours.
"Sleep Training": Some Theoretical Background for Parents
Your baby is much more complicated than a quick "Baby's Sleep Checklist", so here are some thoughts to ponder while you are up...
Sleep & Nap Issues: Tips For Your Child To Sleep Successfully
Sleep & Nap Issues: Tips For Your Child To Sleep Successfully
Sleep & Nap Issues: Nighttime Crying & Proof That Crying It Out Is Sometimes OK
Don't flame the messenger, but here's more proof that SOME nighttime crying won't harm your baby -- and actually may help the whole...
"Sleep Training": Some Theoretical Background for Parents
Your baby is much more complicated than a quick "Baby's Sleep Checklist", so here are some thoughts to ponder ...
"Crying It Out": Acceptable -- or Abuse?
One of the most primitive, innate reactions any mom has is to comfort her crying child. But as we've talked about here before, many...
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