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The Baby Shrink Blog

Parenting Tips: What Should We Do If My Kindergartener Hates School?
But by and large, the protests put up for parents at the beginning of kindergarten are temporary, normal, and not cause for undue concern. Â

Toddler Behavior: Reasons Your Toddler Doesn't Eat Much
I've just had a rare parenting experience; making a meal that my toddler ate -- and enjoyed.

Parenting Tips: Help! My Toddler Suddenly Hates the Bath!
Know that this IS a phase.  It's not permanent. This is a temporary blip in your bathing routine. Eventually, your toddler will regain confi

Toddler Behavior: What Do You Do When A Baby Prefers One Parent Over The Other?
Babies at this age have a hard time being in intense relationships with more than one person at a time.

Baby Behavior Problems: Tips For Helping Your Baby Eat Baby Food
They must eat to grow, right? So, what if they won't eat?Â
Here are some tips for parents like me whose babies would rather play than eat
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