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The Baby Shrink Blog
Child Development: Help for a Jealous 3-Year-Old
Focus on what she IS doing right. Praise her mightily when she behaves "like a big girl who knows how to wait for her turn so nicely".
Potty Training: Poop-Withholding After a Trauma
On the behavioral side, you're right, it's not about "potty training" per se, but it IS about his sense of control and mastery of his own bo
Toddler Behavior: When and How To Get Rid Of Your Toddler's "Comfort Thingie"
The "Comfort Thingie" -- your toddler's thumb, binkie, blanket or other "lovey" -- is a vexing problem to most parents.
Potty Training Tips: MORE on Poop-Smearing: A Complicated Case
My toddler smears poop everywhere, what do I do?
So yes, dear readers, it's time for yet another poop-smearing post
Toddler Behavior: What to do When Your Toddler Won't Nap Anymore
Babies NEED to sleep during the day. Their brains can't handle all that stimulation without shutting down after a few hours.
Toddler Behavior: What Do You Do When A Baby Prefers One Parent Over The Other?
Babies at this age have a hard time being in intense relationships with more than one person at a time.
Why Your 9-Month-Old Baby Is So Difficult All Of A Sudden
He's going through A LOT!! I had an amazing conversation with one of the world's foremost infant researchers, Dr. Joseph Campos. He's at...
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