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The Baby Shrink Blog
Potty Training Solutions: Help for a Preschooler Afraid of the Potty
body awareness, child problems at school, fears, Potty Training, preschoolers, The Preschooler, The Potty Training
Toddler Behavior: Tips for a Toddler Tinkling (and Screaming) in the Bath
Sudden fears of the bath at this age are quite common. One of my most-Googled posts has to do with sudden bath fears
More on Potty Training: When Your Preschooler Poops in Her Sleep
In the meantime, continue to praise her efforts, and be neutrally supportive when she has an accident. I wouldn't dwell on it much with her;
Potty Training Solutions: Tips for Poop Withholding In Toddlers
The pressure parents feel to get their toddler trained -- at any cost -- so that they can start school -- can be a major impediment to the
Potty Training: Poop-Withholding After a Trauma
On the behavioral side, you're right, it's not about "potty training" per se, but it IS about his sense of control and mastery of his own bo
Potty Training Tips: MORE on Poop-Smearing: A Complicated Case
My toddler smears poop everywhere, what do I do?
So yes, dear readers, it's time for yet another poop-smearing post
Potty Training Tips: Handling The Grossest Problem Yet, Poop Smearing
Is This Normal? Yes dear reader, it is. Not necessarily common, but normal. A 2-year-old is struggling with attempting to master his own...
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